Mountain Ash, Skybound (Rowan Tree)
Sorbus acuparia Skybound
7’ bareroot tree
BLOOMS CHOICE: Pollinator friendly, attracts birds
Zone: 3
Mature height: 30′
Mature spread: 15′
Shape: Upright narrow
Summer foliage: Dark green
Fall foliage: Rusty orange
Flower: Flat-topped clusters of white flowers
Fruit: Drooping clusters of waxy red berries
Popular easy to grow small accent tree with clusters of white flowers followed by showy berries from early fall to late winter
Not a true ash, not a host of the emerald ash borer; member of the rose family
Berries attract robins, finches, cedar waxwings, and other birds
Berries can be cooked into jams and jellies but are bitter and inedible when raw
In British folklore, a protection against witchcraft and enchantment
Sorbus acuparia Skybound
7’ bareroot tree
BLOOMS CHOICE: Pollinator friendly, attracts birds
Zone: 3
Mature height: 30′
Mature spread: 15′
Shape: Upright narrow
Summer foliage: Dark green
Fall foliage: Rusty orange
Flower: Flat-topped clusters of white flowers
Fruit: Drooping clusters of waxy red berries
Popular easy to grow small accent tree with clusters of white flowers followed by showy berries from early fall to late winter
Not a true ash, not a host of the emerald ash borer; member of the rose family
Berries attract robins, finches, cedar waxwings, and other birds
Berries can be cooked into jams and jellies but are bitter and inedible when raw
In British folklore, a protection against witchcraft and enchantment
Sorbus acuparia Skybound
7’ bareroot tree
BLOOMS CHOICE: Pollinator friendly, attracts birds
Zone: 3
Mature height: 30′
Mature spread: 15′
Shape: Upright narrow
Summer foliage: Dark green
Fall foliage: Rusty orange
Flower: Flat-topped clusters of white flowers
Fruit: Drooping clusters of waxy red berries
Popular easy to grow small accent tree with clusters of white flowers followed by showy berries from early fall to late winter
Not a true ash, not a host of the emerald ash borer; member of the rose family
Berries attract robins, finches, cedar waxwings, and other birds
Berries can be cooked into jams and jellies but are bitter and inedible when raw
In British folklore, a protection against witchcraft and enchantment